Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting my life back into shape...

I went to a fitness trainer today to do an assessment. It was a sobering experience. I am at the cusp beteen overweight and obese, and at an increased risk for heart disease. My blood pressure has been a bit high lately, but I attribute that mostly to stress.

It's hard to say that you don't like yourself very much, but some days I struggle with it. When my ex moved out, I wallowed in my misery. He was hardcore into physical fitness so I tried to do everything the opposite of what he wanted. I purposely gave myself free reign to gain weight and not exercise. My weight now is 40 pounds heavier than it was in college. I started gaining weight a  few years ago, so it hasn't been a dramatic change.

I have never been athletic. I always wanted to be, but the Lord blessed me with two left feet so that has not been possible. I have tried various activities over the years, and have found a few that I actually enjoy including zumba and kickboxing. I do not  enjoy running, though it seems like the most efficient way to lose the weight. I am a little sad about my lack of discipline with all of these activies. I would try all of them for about a month, and then quit. I have probably wasted thousands of dollars over the years on lessons and classes that I did not attend.

So, in honor of the new year and the possibility of a new me, I will be starting boot camp classes in a month or so. I will keep everyone updated on how it goes. I will also write about my struggle with my diet, which is also a big hurdle in my life. Hopefully by talking about these things here, it will keep me aware and on track with what I need to do.

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